sabbia gallery

Ceramics, Glass + Fibre

Main Gallery   28 June - 22 July 2017

Ted Secombe – An Evolutionary Process

Sabbia Gallery is pleased to present this solo exhibition of new works from ceramic artist Ted Secombe.

The work produced for this exhibition has emanated from my experiences exhibiting in Japan and India. In both countries, I was overwhelmed by the beauty and visual feast offered by their textiles. The mastery of design coupled with an innate ability to blend and match colour drawn from a long history of involvement with process has influenced my glaze palette for this show.
The division of colour on many of the works are a direct reference to the Japanese Kimono. The broad colour spectrum used, finds its influence in the bazaars of India.
The methods for producing the works are very detailed using multi layering of colour similar to the textile processes of Asia.

Ted Secombe, 2017