sabbia gallery

Ceramics, Glass + Fibre


Honor Freeman, An airtight container for every occasion, 2005, porcelain

Main Gallery   16 June - 23 July 2005

Honor Freeman – Adore

Artists working in ceramics have struggled in recent years for audience and industry recognition. Opportunities to create and exhibit their work have been hindered by lack of funding, facilities and galleries to accommodate these artists. Contemporary studio practices such as glass and object design have received widespread acknowledgement within Australia and overseas over the past 10 years. Such work has become highly collectible, allowing glass artists and designers greater prospects in the promotion of their art. I believe that Australian ceramics has taken a backseat to other contemporary mediums over this time.

However, it is this same enthusiastic response to glass and object design, increasing the value of the work, that has assisted in a recent revival of interest in contemporary ceramic art. Collectors are now sourcing ceramic work, recognising its quality and placement within Australian art, with a recharged audience looking on.

ADORE has been curated to raise the awareness of this revival, by showcasing the talents of 11 contemporary emerging artists working with clay. These artists are interested in both the sensual texture of the clay and its creative potential.