sabbia gallery

Ceramics, Glass + Fibre

Main Gallery   1 - 22 February 2025

Holly Grace – Geography of Place

Like many Australians I come from a nowhere place, a stranger everywhere and a child of displacement I am in a constant pursuit of identity and belonging. My family histories are ones of diasporic beginnings, a mass migration and scattering of people from various homelands. Descending from Europeans escaping wars, persecutions, rebellions to find shelter in a new a host land, Australia. My personal history is a mix of cultures, a hybrid blend with a commonality built from geographical location, a sense of nostalgia and dislocation from a country of origin. I am an example of the cultural complexity of being a modern Australian. The work in this exhibition is the culmination of the past two years and the participation in three artists residencies. the first taking place at the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, ACT and Gudgenby ready-cut cottage in the Namadgi National Park. The second at S12 Workshop and Gallery, Bergen, Norway and most recently the Canberra Glassworks, Kingston, ACT. All three residencies were different experiences and focuses, enabling me an unique opportunity to explore themes of self-portraiture, portrait of a place and to further develop my technical skills and understanding of glass as a medium. The exhibition is both a geographical journey and a personal memoir as I seek to understand what motivates and binds us to places within the landscape. How real are these connections, what are its ramifications and how can I tread lightly in an increasingly fragile environment. Holly Grace, December 2024

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Gallery Two   1 - 22 February 2025

Atha era irna arama – All The Things I Seen – Ntaria to India

RONA PANANGKA RUBUNTJA 'These pots are telling my stories about Ntaria life and all the different things I seen in India. I went to India in February 2024 with pottery ladies Hayley and Andrea and pottery managers. Making my stories about Ntari I want to show where I come from and I’m making my stories about India because they are always in my mind. We was eating marna wumpi (spicy food), in Ntaria we eat bush foods and sometimes I cook spicy curry. In India we was riding in tuk tuks, in Ntaria we got bush cars. We been seen art and palaces and walking around in the streets seeing all the cars and motorbikes. Sometimes we almost got run over! In Ntari we got Western Aranda mountains and rivers, driving out bush. And all my family there in that small place. In Jaipur they got animals walking around like monkeys and elephants. I seen people making ura (fire) on the street, like we mob do in Ntaria for ihurrpa (winter) or picnic. I was really happy to go to India and see that place, and I am really happy to live in Ntaria too'. Rona Panangka Rubuntja, 2024

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