sabbia gallery

Ceramics, Glass + Fibre

Main Gallery   29 July - 23 August 2022

Simone Fraser – In a Ritual Sense

Sabbia Gallery is pleased to present the solo exhibition of In a Ritual Sense by leading Australian ceramic artist Simone Fraser.

Fraser has been practicing as a ceramic artist and educator for over forty years. She has lectured over several TAFE campuses in NSW and the National Art School Sydney and is a member of the International
Academy of Ceramics based in Geneva.

Fraser has exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions and her work is represented in collections nationally and internationally including; Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences – Powerhouse in Sydney, HOTA
Queensland, Yingge Ceramics Museum New Taipei City Taiwan, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery Townsville, Museu del Cantir Barcelona, The Bendigo Regional Gallery Victoria, Manly Art Gallery and Museum Sydney, International Modern Pot Art Museum Yixing China, Wollongong Regional Art Gallery, The Art Gallery of Western Australia, Art Gallery of South Australia, National Gallery of Australia, Campbellltown Regional Art Gallery NSW, and Bathurst Regional Art Gallery NSW.


Most cultures have used vessels as icons or symbols on their historical journey and I choose to work within this tradition.

In this exhibition I continue my investigation into both the day-to-day acts of contemplation and the complex acts of social ceremony. It is also a link to the customs and practices that distinguish all cultures including our contemporary world.

Simone Fraser, July 2022