We are pleased to announce that Honor Freeman has received a Fellowship Grant with Arts South Australia for Ordinary Alchemy : a year of ceramic research, experimentation and development.
Honor will have time and space away from the constant deadlines to play and develop work that she has long thought about but not had the chance or time to explore. An exciting opportunity for Honor and we look forward to seeing how the year unfolds.
This grant supports individual professional artists, creatives and cultural leaders to undertake a sustained period of creative development that will strengthen and extend their professional practice and contribute to the arts and cultural ecology in South Australia.
Fellowships can include concept or process-based development or research and/or project development, which may or may not have a public presentation outcome. Fellowship applications should reference contemporary arts practice as a context for the proposed activity and may include cross-disciplinary exploration or new areas of practice.
It is anticipated that this funding will enable artists to seed and develop innovative new ideas, which may, in some cases, lead to opportunities to secure funding for larger scale collaborative or commissioned project outcomes.
Fellowships are available to emerging, mid-career and established South Australian artists and creatives, and to cultural leaders. Applicants with a strong track record of professional practice and recognised achievements are encouraged to apply.