Gallery Two 17 April - 09 May 2015
Melanie Jayne – Timeless Tea
Sabbia Gallery is pleased to present this beautiful solo exhibition of ceramics by new talent Melanie Jayne, the 2012 winner of the Sabbia Gallery Solo Exhibition Prize for National Art School Post Graduates in Ceramics.
I’ve always been intrigued by the purpose of the domestic functional form and the way it has been portrayed, especially in its surroundings. How objects are placed in a room, or even landscape, determines the purpose of the work. For example a teapot surrounded by teacups in the middle of a table depicts the atmosphere for communication – it is an invitation for socializing, but when not in use the audience sees the object as an ornamental item.
My concept is to create functional and domestic forms by using textile materials and incorporate my family’s craft practices and childhood memories whithin.
Melanie Jayne, 2015